Setting up Trezor Model T for use with Casa

This article details how to set up (initialize) your Trezor Model T hardware device for use with Casa.


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Trezor devices can be used with both BTC and ETH vaults in the Casa app.

To begin, verify the integrity of the device box and the device to ensure that it is free from tampering.



Once your Trezor Model T has been unboxed, head over to in your browser. You will have the choice either to download Trezor's desktop app, or use the web suite.


We recommend downloading the desktop app. The following instructions are written for the desktop app.


After downloading the desktop app, install it to your computer, open it up, and connect your Trezor Model T, using the cord provided.

If your device is not recognized once plugged in, head over to to download Trezor Bridge and resolve this issue. Or, if Trezor's page gets stuck "Loading..." please ensure you have cookies enabled for live and/or Incognito mode (depending on which mode you're using).

Next, you'll see a security check, which verifies the authenticity of your Trezor device. Click "Setup Trezor" at this step.


If this is your first time setting up this device, you'll be asked to do a firmware update.

Casa always recommends getting the latest firmware when initializing a device for the first time, before the key is used to secure funds. You can view the latest firmware versions for Trezor here.

Follow the steps show to update your firmware if needed.

Next, choose "Create New Wallet," and confirm the action on your device.


Now you'll need to complete the backup process. Choose "Wallet Backup," confirm the action on your Trezor device, then press "Create Backup." You'll then select "Standard seed backup" in the next window.


During this backup process, you’ll be prompted to write down the 12-word seed phrase.

Casa vaults allow for a "seedless" setup, so if you'll be using this Trezor Model T exclusively with Casa, then writing down the 12-word recovery seed is considered optional.

You can write down the seed phrase if you choose to. If you ever lose or break the device, the seed phrase will be able to restore the Casa signing key on a new device. If you do not, though, you will still be able to rotate your key and move your funds to a new vault easily, even without the seed phrase.

See: Seedless multisig for more info on this topic, and see what's right for you.

At this step, you can either "Begin Backup," or "Skip Backup" if you choose not to write down the seed phrase.


If you choose to write down the backup, use the device touch screen to scroll through each word on the device, writing them down for confirmation in the next step. Once all 12 words have been written, complete the quiz on the device.


Next, you’ll set the PIN on your Trezor. It’s very important that you do not forget this. A lost PIN is a lost key! If you are using multiple hardware devices, we recommend using the same a 4-8 character PIN (no zeros) across all your hardware devices, and saving it in a password manager.


If you plan to use a BTC vault with Casa, activate the bitcoin app for your Casa setup.

If you plan to use a ETH vault with Casa, activate the ethereum app for your Casa setup.


That’s it! Your Trezor Model T device is now initialized and ready to be added to your vault. You will see the option to name your Trezor if you wish, and change other settings about the device, but this is optional. 



Passphrase protection

Trezor allows to protect your device even further by allowing you the option to set a passphrase in addition to the PIN code. 

In general, we recommend that you avoid setting a passphrase on your Trezor device. Not only is it easy to lose a passphrase that locks you out of your device, we believe the PIN code, along with multisig security, are sufficient protections. 

The passphrase prompt is enabled by default in Trezor suite. If you choose not to enable a passphrase, which is our recommendation, the feature can be toggled off or on via the Device settings page in Trezor Suite. Now would be a good time to do that. 

To disable passphrase prompts (recommended), please see Trezor's article Passphrases and Hidden Wallets and scroll to the section titled Disabling / re-enabling the passphrase feature.

All done with setup!

 Finally, keep your Trezor somewhere safe and secret. Though there may not be funds in the vault yet, keeping it secure and protected from tampering prior to funds placement is very important!

Your Trezor Model T can now be added to your Casa setup. See Adding Trezor to your Casa vault for the next steps.