Once you have funds in your Casa vault or Pay key, you can easily send to any address, any time.
From the Casa app home screen, start by tapping the 5-key vault, 3-key vault or Pay key that you're sending from. If you have a subaccount in a vault, you will first need to select the individual account you want to send from.
From there, tap "Send." (Note: The "Send" button does not appear if the vault is empty.)
Example view for a 3-key BTC vault
After tapping "Send," enter the amount you want to send, then tap "Choose Recipient" and either scan or paste an address to send to. You'll notice that there are also shortcuts to send to your other wallet(s) in the Casa app.
Entering the amount and "to" address
Selecting your fee level
Once you swipe up to confirm, you will now sign the transaction with your keys.
If you're sending from your Pay key
That's it! Pay key wallets just need a single signature to send funds, which is applied automatically by the Casa app, and the funds are sent on the blockchain.
If you're sending from a vault
The mobile key signature (if you use a mobile key) is added automatically, so the transaction will have one signature already applied.
3-key vault users will need to apply one additional transaction signature from their hardware device.
5-key vault users will need to apply two additional transaction signatures from any two of their hardware devices.
To sign using the hardware device, tap "Tap to add a new signature" The instructions to do this will vary depending on your specific hardware device.
GIF example: Ledger transaction signing
Signing a transaction with Trezor
Signing a transaction with Ledger
Signing a transaction with Coldcard
Signing a transaction with Keystone
Signing a transaction with Passport
In place of one of the keys you control, you may also use the Casa Recovery Key, which is meant to be used only if you've lost access to one of your other keys or your key is not working.
Once enough signatures have been applied, the app will allow you to send the transaction:
Example view for a 3-key BTC vault