Best hardware key sharing practices

This article guides you on how to safely share your hardware keys with your intended recipient.

Separate Storage:
For 3-key vaults, it's crucial to keep the recipient's key separate from the Vault owner's key for security. Storing both keys in different locations prevents potential in-person attacks aimed at stealing funds. For instance, if the recipient is a spouse or partner living in the same residence, store their key outside of that location to mitigate this risk.

For 5-key vaults or more, the shared key is typically considered the "home key" as it's associated with the seed phrase. It is less risky to keep this redundant key at home, as an in-person attack would not lead to funds being at risk as long as you store your Office and Safe keys in different locations. For best practices in storing your Office and Safe keys, refer to this article.

We recommend also sharing a copy of the seed phrase with your recipient. This should be safely stored in a sealed envelope along with the shared key located in a fireproof safe with the recipient. 

International Recipients:
If your recipient resides overseas, it's highly advisable to personally deliver the shared hardware key. This minimizes the risk of loss or compromise during transit, ensuring the security of your shared assets.

Should you have any questions about how to safely share your key with your intended recipient don't hesitate to reach out to