Restoring your Casa Inheritance when your Recipient gets a new phone

Restoring a your Casa Inheritance set up if the Mobile Key is missing

A Mobile Key can be missing if your Recipient got a new phone or if the backup cannot be found. 

New phone

When your Recipient gets a new phone, you will need to ensure your Casa Inheritance set up is healthy by making sure they have the Casa app downloaded and the back up of the Mobile Key. 

To ensure a healthy state, have the Recipient follow these instructions:

  1. Download the Casa App if it is not already on their new device.
  2. Login with their credentials. 
  3. Tap on the Inheritance tab. 
  4. Tap on the Vault(s) that have been shared with them.
  5. If their Mobile Key is not backed up, the app will tell them so by saying “Key Missing.” Your app will say “Finish Setup” on the vault that has the rotated key.
  6. They will need to tap on the Mobile Key and the app will look for their backup. If the backup is not found, your Recipient will need to rescan the QR code from your phone or their saved backup. 

NOTE: if your Recipient lost their phone or it was stolen, rotate the Mobile Key you shared with them. Once you have done that, they will need to re-import the Mobile Key by scanning the Mobile QR code from your phone. The app will walk you through this process.

Importing a Mobile Key

If your Recipient needs to import a new Mobile Key, they will receive an email that they need to update their Inheritance setup and the app will show the setup as unhealthy. 

To help your Recipient import a Mobile Key:

You need to:

  1. Open your app and tap on the Inheritance tab
  2. Tap on the Vault that says “Finish set up”
  3. Tap on the Mobile Key that says “Share key”
  4. This will show your Mobile Key QR code that your Recipient can scan or you can send to them.

Your Recipient needs to:

  1. Open their app and tap on the Inheritance tab
  2. Tap on the Vault that says “Finish setup”
  3. Tap on the Mobile key that says “Scan QR code”. This will open the camera so that the Recipient can scan the Mobile QR code.
  4. Once the QR code has been scanned, they will see a success screen and you Inheritance setup is healthy again.